You have been selected as a candidate to become the very TOP person in education!! If selected you will be given the title of the United States of America's first Ambassador of Education!! With this new title, comes a TREMENDOUS task and not to mention a TON of responsibility.
Here's the scenario:
Last week it was announced that despite the attempted changes in the American educational system, the US has dropped to 40th place in education throughout the developed world. Schools are in shambles and progress is at an all time stand-still. Nothing seems to be working! So, the United States Congress went on a head-hunting world tour to find someone to head up the nation's educational system and even changed laws so that the newly selected Ambassador of Education would be allowed to implement ANY changes in the American educational system that he/she felt was absolutely necessary to get us back on track (pending Congressional approval). Congress and even state governors have vowed that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get our schools back to the point of being at least in the top 10 of the world - if not the very top. This job is going to demand that you "think out of the box" and come up with ideas that you believe are doable.
Your task is to come up with FIVE key starting points / changes that you feel are ABSOLUTELY a must to begin putting America's educational system back on track. You need to list the FIVE key things that you want Congress to push through and present them before the states. List the FIVE changes with a brief description of why you think they are ABSOLUTELY needed. Make sure your descriptions are clear and precise (to the point) and be prepared to answer questions that "members of Congress" (those responding to your proposals) may have for you. In other words, be able to defend your plan!!
Those of you commenting on each other's post, are considered the "Members of Congress." Your job is to pick through the various plans being proposed and really look them over. Be critical!!! If something isn't done, America's future is in serious jeopardy!!! As it was once said, "The future of ANY country on this planet earth lies within it's educated mass! A failure there, spells the doom of the country."
Once this blog is completed we'll be taking a vote in class which plans to adopt!!!